Sunday, November 26, 2006

The One Critical component In Building A Muscular Body

If you have been trying to build muscle mass, then you know the importance of nutrition as a component in your muscle growth goals.

Many bodybuilders; when I use the term bodybuilder I use it in the truest sense of the word, "someone that is building his or her body," know of the importance of tuna fish in their diet.

Recently, the news came out regarding the muscle building benefits of omega-3 fatty acids i.e. enhanced fat loss, muscle growth and joint recovery. Suddenly salmon, the fish with the richest source of omega-3 fatty acids was nudging out Charlie the tuna for leadership.

If you were to choose one fish which would it be? Aside from personal taste preference.

Here's the facts:

Per 3 ounce can of light tuna has fewer calories, less total fat and more protein than fresh salmon. It's also a little richer in critical amino acids, like BCCAs, arginine, and glutamine.

Fresh salmon however is much richer in omega-3 fatty acids, more than 7 times the amount of tuna!

Fresh salmon also contains more than twice the vitamin b6 and slightly more vitamin b12. Each fish is definitely loaded with nutritional benefits.

So the question now becomes not WHICH fish to eat but WHEN!

For Meals before and after a workout the best choice is tuna. Why??

Greater protein content

Lower fat levels insure delivery of critical amino acids

Eating salmon around workout time is a bad idea. The healthy fats slow down the digestion process of the salmos proteins.

Still I like to get in 2 to 3 meals a week; on rest days, of salmon.

Or at worst eat my salmon meal but, not work out till 4 hours later

There has bee some recent studies as to the benefits of omega-3 fatty acids in the area of increasing male libido. I'll post more regarding tat in some future article.

1 comment:

Robert Deangelo said...

I have been trying to find information on training and found your blog. The information on blogs seems to be very different that what I can find on a normal search engine search. Anyways, I enjoyed your post.
